Regaining your lost smile with a dental implant is an excellent solution for missing or extracted teeth. Dental implants mimic the look, feel, and function of natural teeth but require an adequate amount of jawbone for successful placement. A Dental Bone Graft is a surgical procedure designed to address this by replacing missing bone in the jaw with grafting material to stimulate regrowth. The process is pain-free, predictable, and boasts high success rates.
Types of Bone Grafts:
- Autografts:
- Bone tissue is sourced from the patient’s chin, shin, or hip.
- Allografts:
- Donor bone from a human is lab-processed to be immune-neutral and free from diseases.
- Xenografts:
- Grafting material is derived from the inorganic parts of animal bones, often cows.
- Alloplasts:
- Typically developed from hydroxyapatite, a naturally occurring mineral in bone.
- Ceramic-based Grafts:
- Composed of ceramics alone or combined with other materials like calcium or bioactive glass.
Candidates for Bone Graft:
Individuals with bone loss due to aging, missing teeth, genetic defects, untreated periodontal issues, or serious jaw injuries may require bone grafting. It is often recommended for those undergoing tooth extraction or implant procedures.
Treatment Process of Bone Graft:
- Anesthesia:
- The surgical area is numbed with local anesthesia, and IV sedation may be provided for additional comfort.
- Extraction and/or Bone Sourcing:
- Tooth extraction, if needed, is performed, enhancing the recovery rate when combined with bone grafting.
- Graft Insertion:
- The surgical site is thoroughly cleaned, and if no extraction is required, an incision is made to expose the bone. Graft material is bonded to the exposed bone.
- Stitching:
- The site is stitched closed once the graft material is in place.
- Recovery:
- Complete healing typically takes four to six months, or longer, before the site is ready for implant placement. Proper post-operative care is crucial to prevent complications.
Pain Management:
Patients are usually sedated throughout the procedure, ensuring a pain-free experience. A bone graft is the initial step toward enjoying the benefits of a durable and aesthetically pleasing replacement tooth through a dental implant. It is essential to follow post-operative care instructions diligently for a successful outcome.